God’s Goodness

Have you ever taken the time to reminisce about the absolute goodness and love of God? His goodness is so complete and His love encompasses every area of our lives. Even though I realize how good God is and how much He loves me, I embrace little reminders every now and again of the whole of His goodness and love and just how far it extends. A few years ago I watched and listened to two little girls confidently sing along with one of their favorite songs on the radio while in the car on their way to the grocery store with me.

It did not matter that at times one or both of them were a little off key, mispronounced many of the words, and were sometimes way too loud, they just kept on singing. My heart almost melted as I thought, wow, this is the third generation of my family giving God praise. As they continued to sing almost every song that played, I quietly thanked God in my heart for his goodness and love.

I recalled when my dad did not know Jesus Christ as his personal savior.  He never hindered my mom from making sure that his children were taught and reared in the knowledge of Christ. Her diligence and faithfulness to God has yielded a harvest of ripe fruit. Today, I know and love Jesus Christ as my personal savior along with my dad, my siblings and our spouses. Now, our children are following in our footsteps as we follow Christ. God is good and his love is everlasting.  His goodness and love embraces my whole family, I am truly blessed.  The two little girls were my nieces. When we have the opportunity to spend time together we turn up the radio in the car and we sing, sing, and sing. When they were younger, in their own mispronounced words, “God has skoken, let the church say Amen.”